Recently yifenfei face such a problem that give you millions of positive integers,tell how many pairs i and j that satisfy F[i] smaller than F[j] strictly when i is smaller than j strictly. i and j is the serial number in the interger sequence. Of course, the problem is not over, the initial interger sequence will change all the time. Changing format is like this [S E] (abs(E-S)<=1000) that mean between the S and E of the sequece will Rotate one times. For example initial sequence is 1 2 3 4 5. If changing format is [1 3], than the sequence will be 1 3 4 2 5 because the first sequence is base from 0.
InputThe input contains multiple test cases.
Each case first given a integer n standing the length of integer sequence (2<=n<=3000000) Second a line with n integers standing F[i](0<F[i]<=10000) Third a line with one integer m (m < 10000) Than m lines quiry, first give the type of quiry. A character C, if C is ‘R’ than give the changing format, if C equal to ‘Q’, just put the numbers of satisfy pairs. OutputOutput just according to said.Sample Input51 2 3 4 53QR 1 3Q
Sample Output
1 #include2 #include 3 #include 4 #include 5 #define ll long long 6 #define M 10005 7 #define N 3000005 8 using namespace std; 9 int n,m,x,y;10 ll ans;11 int a[N];12 ll tr[M];13 char s[10];14 int lowbit(int x){ return x&(-x); }15 void add(int x){16 while (x<=M){17 tr[x]++;18 x+=lowbit(x);19 }20 }21 int query(int x){22 int s=0;23 while (x>0){24 s+=tr[x];25 x-=lowbit(x);26 }27 return s;28 }29 int main(){30 while (~scanf("%d",&n)){31 memset(tr,0,sizeof(tr)); ans=0;32 for (int i=0;i a[i]) ans++;48 }49 a[y]=s;50 }51 }52 }53 return 0;54 }